Did you ever have one of those moments in your life that changed your point of view?
Over the past year and a half or so, a couple ladies came into my life. Mother and daughter found a special place in my heart. I first began this adventure after talking to Mom online. I’ve always been concerned, that if I ever dated a woman with kids, the kids may not like me. Not so in this case, the daughter quickly became comfortable around me and I around her. An odd companionship formed that I couldn’t explain until recently.
I’ve never had kids of my own. I have many friends with kids. I get along well with most all of them, so I shouldn’t be surprise that I would get along with this young lady. Right? I went along as the months passed enjoying the company of ‘my two favorite blondes’, as I frequently call them. What I didn’t realize is the place the young lady took in my heart. I’ve been around my friend Vince’s kids. He’s like a brother to me and his kids are very special in my eyes. This was somehow different. It really didn’t dawn on me how until February, when I tagged along to her ice skating competition in New York.
At the competition before New York, she fell and landed hard on her knees. The expression on her face made it instantly clear that she was hurt. My heart sunk. She got up and finished her routine without missing a beat. Tears came down her face as she left the ice. Mom shoved the video camera into my hand with a “Take this…” as she headed down the bleachers to aid her daughter. I moved down so the kiddo didn’t have to climb the bleachers to where we had been sitting. My heart hurt as she sobbed waiting for Grandma to return with the ice bags. It was like a part of me had crashed head-on into the ice with her. She got her skates off and went to sit with her teammates for a while. Soon, she was up running around with the gang and a weight lifted from my soul.
Off to the next competition, a larger one in New York. Mom had told me that I could come up if I wanted but it was probably a waste of my time and money as Kiddo wasn’t skating as many events due to the cost. I wouldn’t be able to spend much time with them because of all the running around involved. I chose to book my own hotel room and go anyway. I couldn’t get in their hotel. It was full because it is directly across the street from the rink. I did get in one that was one block away. No big deal to me. I could actually see their hotel and the rink from my window. The money didn’t matter, nor did the extra block I would have to walk in the cold to meet up with them. I wanted to be there whether it was for four events or twelve.
It was on the way home that I realized something had changed in my life. I spent most of the two hour drive home letting my thoughts wander about the weekend and about other things. What was different was that I now realized I had found something that had been missing my whole life. Something that until I met these two ladies, I never had grasped. I came to the realization that I had just come head on with something that my parents must have experienced when I was a kid. Something that I would have had no way of even guessing would affect me the way it did.
You see, what I realized was that I was feeling was that feeling of being proud of your kids for doing their best. No, there was more to it than that. I had allowed this young lady to take up residence in my heart. I was a part of her life when she was happy, when she was sad, when she dead tired and grumpy or when she was mad at Mom for one reason or another. I wasn’t just there as an outsider who happened to be in the room. I was a part of her life.
I began to see why my parents made such valiant efforts to come to things I was involved in at school. Heck, they still do it. I helped with the sound for a musical over the past two weekends. They made sure they came to it. They didn’t come out of some sense of duty that they had to show up. They came because I was involved in it. They were proud to be there, whether it was something they enjoyed doing or not.
Even though this young lady isn’t my daughter, she and her mom have given me a gift greater than any I could have ever asked for. I’ve learned, even if it’s only a tiny, microscopic smidgen, what it is like to be a parent. They filled a place in my heart that I didn’t even know existed. I know there is a whole lot more to being a parent than this one little part. I wouldn’t dare claim there wasn’t. But it is nice to feel that feeling. I don’t know if I would call it pride. There is pride involved. I can’t describe what it is. It’s a connection, for lack of better explanation. When they hurt, so do you. When they are happy, you are too. I don’t have the right words to do it justice. If you have kids, you know what I’m talking about. If you don’t, I hope you get the chance to share in the life of a child to the point where you understand.
At my age, I don’t know if I’ll have a child of my own. Only time can answer that. I do know that I have been given an opportunity that I will cherish the rest of my life thanks to a young ice skater that melted her way into my heart.
~Cappy, Big C