Have you ever taken one of those little quick cat naps that just throws you totally for a loop? You know the ones I mean. The ones where you wake up and can’t figure out whether you slept fifteen minutes or fifteen hours.
I came home from work tonight feeling kind of tired. Friday’s can be boring at my office, but today wasn’t too bad. After supper, I sat down on the couch and opened up the laptop to check my email. The cat was sitting on the living room floor doing her evening after dinner bath. I said to myself “I’m just going to lay down here for a moment until the computer gets up and running. Then I’ll check email and go about my business.” I patted the couch to see if the cat would jump up. She looked at me as if “The Queen does not desire your company at this time.” She walked off towards her dish. I dozed off.
The phone rang and startled me. I answered it. It was a telemarketer. Grrrrrrr!!!! I hung up and laid back down, propping my feet up on the little ramp made by the comforter and the arm of the couch. I must have really been comfortable because I fell back to sleep immediately. I remember at one point half waking up and thinking “Was I dreaming or did I just feel Tink walk across my legs?” I must have satisfied myself pretty quickly that I was dreaming as I went right back to sleep.
I woke up an hour later. I looked around out of my daze, trying to figure out what time it was and how long I had slept. I realized that not only did I have my feet up on the arm of the couch, but my right foot was sitting on top of my left foot. Both of my feet and legs were now rather numb. I noticed another sensation as I tried to decide how best to untangle my still sleeping legs, a small warm feeling on the side of my right calf. I hadn’t been dreaming. Tink had climbed up and was now happily cuddled between the back of the couch and my right leg. She had slipped just down out of sight which is probably why I didn’t see here when I tried to look before. Call me a sap, but I hate to wake her up when she looks so comfortable.
I slowly lifted my legs off the arm of the couch and down to the floor, trying very hard not to bother her. She was curled against my leg with such pressure that the slightest movement cause her to jostle in her sleep. She stood up with a stretch and dropped to the floor. She looked back as if to say “No rest for the wicked” and headed off to play in her box. I sat on the couch for another four or five minutes sorting out the sleepies from my brain. My simple stretch out on the couch for a couple minutes had turned into an hour and a half.
I felt pretty good once all my senses were up and running. I guess I needed the nap more than I thought. Tink is now having a ball running back and forth from the office to the bedroom watching the neighbor’s cats out in the yard and I just finish paying bills. Why does she get all the fun?