
All posts tagged Cadbury

Many of you know I’m diabetic.  I can control it pretty well by just diet and one pill.  If I exercise enough, I could probably even get off that pill.  My back doesn’t always agree with exercise so I do what I can.  There is a goofy phenomenon that happens to me when I’m being good about watching my sugar.  I like to know if this happens to anyone else.

I’ve always been of the mindset that you can not completely cut something out of your diet.  To do so can make your diet boring.  My way of controlling my sugar is not so much what I eat.  It is how much I each.  I have cut back my trips to the pop machine at work to almost nothing.  I drink lots of water or drink mixes that are low sugar.  I will occasionally splurge and have a bottle of sweet tea or a can of pop.  The only time I waver from this practice is if I’m not feeling well or I’m working outside and sweating a lot.

The other thing I try to do is follow what seems to make my sugar go extremely wonky.  Things like pizza, for example, will run my sugar way up.  I LOVE pizza.  I can’t eat it like I used to or my sugar goes up and stays that way.  Other things tend to provide a temporary elevation but not so extreme.  A good example of that is Frozen Coke.  As long as I don’t eat these types of items every night, I’m ok.

Here is where I’d like people’s comments.  After following a controlled sugar diet for a period of time, I find certain things taste almost sickening sweet.  The pictured ice cream bars are just one example.  Giant Eagle was giving out free samples today, one bar per person.  I like ice cream as a treat now and again.  I mostly get soft server from Dairy Queen or the like.  It doesn’t seem to pound my sugar off the scale like hard ice cream does.  Since the sample was free and I had skipped dessert at dinner, I thought I’d give one a go.  Cadbury Snack Sized Ice Cream Bars – Caramello is what I was handed.  These bars are only about three inches long and three quarter of an inch thick, much smaller than a normal ice cream bar.   I figured this can’t cause much damage.  WRONG!!!  Cadbury in the name should have been a hint.  It was RICH.  Steve Job’s/Howard Hughes type rich.   Richard Branson type rich if you get my meaning.  The first two or three bites were delicious.  After that, the sweetness got almost sickening.  I finished it but I thought to myself , “There is absolutely NO WAY you can buy these!”  I finally had to get a drink of water to try to wash the sweetness out of my mouth.  I hate that.  Those things were really really good but because I’ve been trying to keep my sugar intake down, the experience was ruined.

Anybody else have that happen or is just weird ole Cappy losing his mind again? (If I had one to start with)


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